Cobra Facts


  • King Cobras live in Northern India, East to Southern China.
  • They Prefer Streams in dense or open forest, bamboo thickets, adjacent agricultural and dense mangrove swamps.
  • They often stay near streams, where the temperature and humidity are relatively constant.
  • They spend almost a fourth of their time in trees or bushes.



  • King Cobras normally restricts its diet to cold-blooded animals, usually other snakes.
  • Some king cobras develop a rigid diet of one type to snake and will refuse any other type of food.
  • They will eat Asian rat snakes, dhamans and pythons up to about 10 feet in length


  • The venom consists of mainly neurotoxins, these toxins affect the central nervous system.
  • King cobras are capable of delivering a fatal bite, the effects of the bite will include: severe pain, blurred vision, vertigo, and drowsiness.
  • This will eventually lead to paralysis, if the envenomation is serious, it will progress to cardiovascular collapse, which will cause the victim to fall into a coma.
  • Death will soon follow due to respiratory failure.




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